Andrew’s September Exhibition Blog
Your Invitation to my exhibition and a blog.
The poster below gives you all the details of the show.
I toyed with the idea of attaching the Dépêchism manifesto but I don’t like explaining art and you might get bored because it is a bit long. So, here, in a few words, is a taste of what it’s about.
The principal is haste. To finish a work as quickly as possible. Dépêchists must set a time limit on their work. A large canvas will take longer than a small drawing. The number of inches of the longest edge of the work is to be translated into minutes. This will be the time limit. Six inches = six minutes. And so on.
The credo of Dépêchism: I know all. I know nothing.
Dépêchism is the means to act on impulse and touch the senses that generate wonder and joy. All great art is magic. A sleight of hand.
Dépêchism is a radical art form. It is a revolt against the bourgeoise art created by the media and powerful galleries. It is a revolt against Conceptualism and Installationism.
Dépêchism brings debate to art. The right to stand up and talk openly about ideas and attack the low-brow ideals of Hockneyism and the sensationalism of Baconism.
I’m happy to give you a copy of the full manifesto when you come to the exhibition.
Latest news:
Anthony, our dear son, has returned to his lovely family and beautiful home in Sydney after force-feeding me so that I’m now gaining weight. Paula is carrying on the regime, and fortunately Beth, our dear daughter, is here to support and help Paula carry me around.
I will be going onto chemo soon. Meanwhile I’m feeling pretty much like my old self.
I hope that I’ll see you at the exhibition.
Dear Andrew,
Hope all goes well with the chemo, and it isn’t too much of an ordeal. So pleased to hear that your son was able to come and see you and that you have Paula and your daughter there to keep their eye on you.
Unfortunately, we’ll be away over your exhibition dates, and are sorry to miss it. We wish you well.
We send our love to you and Paula.
Sandy and Arnold.
Hi Andrew,
I hope the chemo will not be too arduous for you.
Glad to hear that you have good family support.
Best of luck with the exhibition. I love your poster!
Dépêchism sounds french and exciting! I think I will read the manifesto!
Thinking of you.