Andrew’s Exhibition Opens Very Soon.

 In Andrew's Blog, Exhibitions

Barry Fantoni’s preview for


Andrew Aarons and I met at Camberwell Art School in the early 50’s. We were fourteen years old. We both did life drawing but whereas I went on to study painting, Andrew followed the path of a fabric designer. In a nutshell, Andrew had learned to draw the outlines but not the Camberwell method of filling them in. In a sense, this was his saving grace. Camberwell painters tend to be very cautious, meticulous and rather sober. Cezanne was their ideal painter. ‘Sit like an apple,’ he would tell his wife when painting her. ‘Apples do not move.’

But painting has more to do with a soul than a method and left to discover painting as well as being taught it, Andrew Aarons has built imaginatively on what he was taught and has never stopped adding new forms of expression to his wide range of styles. But whatever he does, Andrew’s central skill is in his ability to draw and the skills that decorate it provide no end of invention.

During the 70’s I wrote art criticism for the Times. Many fine painters were shown in small galleries without large publicity budgets. I would often give a show five stars regardless of the galleries pedigree or profile. Were I still to be writing for the Times I would make the same point here. ‘Unmissable’ is the show biz term. A chance to see a very fine artist in full blossom. Mature work from a mature artist.

Prof Barry Fantoni London 2015

Andrew Aarons Art can be seen from 23 – 27 Sept. 1-4 pm Norman Plastow Gallery, Lingfield Rd., Wimbledon Village, London, SW19 4QD.

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  • Lorna and Joey

    Thank you for your remarks about Andrew’s work and his talent. We are always very impressed by his creativity and the detail and skill he demonstrates in his art.
    We wish him him continued success.
    LOrna and Joey Leibovici

  • trisha mccrae

    Andrew I love your depechist work! so raw!
    Great write up by Baryy Fantoni.
    Continued success and hope you are well.
    Bien a toi.

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Andrew Aarons Exhibition