Sprimmer 2014 Newsletter
I have just returned from a long visit to Australia. I realise that I missed sending you a spring newsletter. In fact I even missed writing one. So, since it’s almost Summer I thought I might as well combine the two seasons and call this my Sprimmer Newsletter. VIRTUAL EXHIBITIONImagine that you have walked into a gallery in London or Sydney or New York, or any city you care to think of, and discovered the paintings that I have been making over the last two years. Some of them you’ll think you’ve seen before and you will be exactly right, but others, while looking familiar, because I have included them in previous newsletters, will have changed from that earlier stage because I’ve reworked them. There are also paintings that I have never shown and others that are completely new. On the gallery door you read: NEW ENGLISH LANDSCAPES BY ANDREW AARONSYou open the door, close your umbrella and walk in. I hope you enjoy the exhibition. If you have any questions, just imagine that I’m in the gallery with you and you can ask me anything you wish. Take your time, don’t rush, and have a glass of wine and some peanuts. (Don’t read that if you’re allergic to peanuts). You enter the first room and see three large landscapes in oil on canvas. Village Dump faces you on the centre wall and the other two hang on the left and right on the walls on either side.
Through the door to the left you walk into the second room where you see two oil paintings facing you on the far wall.
On the other three walls of the room are nine smaller oil paintings on canvas and two pen and ink drawings on paper. All are hung at eye level with lots of space between them.
Thank you for taking the time to look at the exhibition. Ask me any questions you like and I will try to answer them. As in all exhibitions, the work is for sale so don’t be afraid to ask if you are curious about the price of any of my pieces. Sorry, there are no prizes for spotting the Vermeer. Date for your diaryINVITATION TO AN EXHIBITION AND WORKSHOP I will be taking part in the Second DEPECHE Exhibition and Workshop With the founder of the Depechist movement, my long time friend, writer and artist, Barry Fantoni, for one weekend only 2nd and 3rd of August 2014 Thomas Williams Fine Art Ltd 22 Old Bond Street, London, W1S 4PY Come along and become a Depechist. The workshop is free. More details to follow or contact me by email. alaarons@gmail.com |