In Andrew's Blog

It’s unusual for me to send out blog posts as frequently as this. I’m sorry if I’m boring you but I couldn’t let things pass unsaid. I hope you will agree that this needs to be said now rather than later.

I don’t intend to include any images in this; only my thoughts and, of course, my complaints.

I have very recently visited two art galleries in small towns. The first was Kettle’s Yard in Cambridge. I was there two weeks ago. The second was the Hastings Contemporary gallery. I was there only yesterday.

At Kettle’s Yard I was treated to an exhibition of embroidery by Palestinian, Arab and Bedouin women. Much of it made many years before the Arab invasion of Israel in 1948. It was a fascinating exhibition of beautifully made objects. However, we were lead to believe, from the texts describing the pieces, that much of the work by these crafts women was made under the duress of the Jews of Israel. In addition we were given incorrect information about the equipment they used. I know it was incorrect because I know a little about textiles and weaving, but others might be misled. The Kettle’s Yard staff told me that they had received the texts and, without checking its correctness, had put it on display. Is this something a university institution should do? I thought that when teaching at university level, one should go back to the primary source before lecturing to students or the public. It seems that truth is no longer relevant.

I have no doubt that this exhibition is another means of criticising Israel, and is verging on anti-Semitism.

The experience of a few days in Cambridge, which was my happy home for almost thirty years, impressed me with the extensive ‘wokeness’ of the town and the colleges. The hoardings in front of Kings College are a testament to this.

I had completely a contrasting experience in Hastings. The Soutine Kossoff exhibition at the lovely Contemporary gallery is excellent. Their work was hung beautifully. It was better displayed than I have seen anywhere before. The curated texts, shown with the paintings, were knowledgeable and very well written. Incidentally, both these great painters were Jewish, but not a word of criticism for that happenstance.

The lunchroom café at the gallery was lovely with a view of the fishing boats and sparkling sea. And the food was good.

The shop at Kettle’s Yard is a poor example of what gallery/museum shops should be, especially compared to the shop at Hastings Contemporary. If you get a chance to visit Hastings I urge you to spend some time at the gallery and try their scones in the café.


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  • Stanford Myer-O'reilly

    Hi Andrew, it is a sad reflection of the realities of today’s World that the Arts, entertainment and media outlets have become very myopic and demonising of Israel. It represents a populist society where egos and “luvvy culture” are easier than actually researching and having the courage to focus on the truths and evidence. Thankfully there are pockets of realism and honesty, integrity and courage that provide an example of balanced and far greater talent! I no longer stay silent on the matter, it would be even better if our Jewish friends of the progressive politicised left of Judaism started to realise their own feminism, gay and liberal attitudes are not tolerated in all Muslim countries, that the true ethnic cleansing and apartheid is a Muslim religious and political agenda. They demonise Israel because they wish to bring down the Government and establish a progressive, left wing and anti Orthodox country so far removed from the Torah it will by Biblical history as evidence lead to the destruction of the Land of and for Israel. Enjoy your Art and creativity Andrew, speak how you feel and why you so feel. Shalom my dear friend, Stanford

    • Andrew

      Thanks for your message Stanford. Sorry it has taken a while to reply. My web mistress discovered it in the website spam folder.
      What ever the attitudes of the ‘progressives’ i will still carry on saying what I say and painting what I paint.
      Very best and Shana Tovah

  • Hinda Golding

    Thank you, Andrew, for your perceptive and. somewhat depressing comments about the Cambridge set up! I had been thinking of going to Hastings for the Exhibition but not doing anything about it. .. So now you have enthused me! Hope that it will be on for another few weeks!
    Hinda x

    • Andrew

      Unfortunately it closes 24th September Hinda, so you don’t have much time. But well worth making the effort I think.
      Love, Andrew

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